We are pleased to announce that we, peicom GmbH, have been successfully certified according to ISO 9001. ISO 9001 is an internationally recognized standard for process-oriented quality management systems, whose main objectives are the continuous improvement of customer satisfaction, the fulfillment of legal and regulatory requirements and the continuous improvement of business performance.
This certification is the result of our continuous efforts to provide high quality products and services to you, our customers and partners, at all times. This is because we are now also implementing this plan in accordance with an international quality standard. In addition, the ISO 9001 certification requires a permanent analysis and monitoring of external as well as internal factors influencing our company. This is intended to identify problems and challenges at an early stage and to initiate appropriate measures. Accordingly, monitoring audits will also be carried out in the future.
So let's make it short: Through the certification we underpin our high service quality. In the future, too, we want to be the No. 1 provider in the field of in-store communication. Your needs are our top priority.